We Worked our Butts Off

Hi Guys, Welcome to our Bumnuts Webpage.

Let us introduce ourselves and tell you a little about why we decided to do this and how. This is our Family

Sue, Chalky, Miss Woody (30 year old Sulphur Crested Cockatoo), Dude (the Burly Staffy) & Harley (the Mexican).

We sat down with a beer and a glass of wine back in 2016 and decided there and then we wanted to travel this vast beautiful country. Our plan was to keep working in the mines in Central Queensland to be able to achieve this. We were very fortunate to caretake a bike club which saved us loads of money. We set Goals and made Deadlines.

We set up our first caravan at the clubhouse and lived in this for about 14 months doing short trips as well. We discovered this was not the van for us so we did our research and decided we wanted something we could take off road and onto the beach. The size was a huge discussion. Chalky wanted a 19 footer and I wanted something abit bigger, for space. I essentially won the discussion. Then in January 2021 we found the van we both loved. A 23ft Marvel Thunderstorm. We didn’t buy new because we wanted more cash in the bank as we travel. This van was practically brand new so we were happy.

If you can live in your van full time before you start your travels then do it. Not only does it save you money but it also gives you time to work out what you can and can't take with you because there is not much space in a van compared to a 5 bedroom house.

There will be challenges along the way, especially for us with a Cockatoo and 2 dogs but this is all part of the fun. We want to share with you the Shenanigans & tips that come with travelling with such a family.

Life is too damn short to procrastinate, so let us show you how we are going along the road and hopefully inspire you to do the same.

Cheers from the McChalks

PS. If you see us on the road please stop and say G’day or have a coldie with us.

PPS. Follow Us on Instagram #woodysbumnutcampers and Facebook. Also the Fur & Feather babies have their own Insta page #fidsrtrippin

Subscribe & Like our YouTube Channel (it’s FREE), comments are also what keep us engaged with people along the way.